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Local energy company announced its 2024 goals
Local energy company announced its 2024 goals

As technology advances in every industry, it is rapidly driving the growth of the electricity and energy sector. This is because the increasing energy demand in the business world is changing the balance of electricity demand. In this regard, companies that create sustainable-focused electricity supply networks stand out in the competitive environment. Reges Electric, in addition to its current capacity, has also announced its goals for 2024. Furthermore, highlighting the benefits of digitized infrastructure contributes to the green transformation in business processes.

As electricity consumption increases in developing economies, the demands are rising accordingly. The International Energy Agency’s (IEA) Electricity Market Report also indicates that sectoral growth will continue in 2024. Mustafa Ünal, the Chairman of Reges Electric, a local energy company that has accelerated its investments in response to the increasing demand in the energy sector, announced their goals for this year to ensure a secure and uninterrupted electricity supply to businesses. 

Mustafa Ünal, who mentioned building the supply and demand balance in the electricity market based on reliable data, said, “We provide electricity supply to more than a thousand commercial businesses. We aim to reduce the economic burden on businesses by offering competitive prices. Despite just a year since our establishment, we have achieved a 10-fold growth in our supply network. In the first quarter of 2024, we also aim for a 52% growth. After increasing our hourly consumption from approximately 4 to 35 megawatts in one year, we plan to raise it to 54 megawatts as of March.”

“We are greenifying the electricity supply process”

Mustafa Ünal, emphasizing their commitment to a greener and more sustainable development model, stated, “We prioritize renewable energy. We aim to create a greener, cleaner, and more digital energy market. We are greening the electricity supply processes, allowing commercial businesses to participate in these policies on the path to the industry’s 2050 goals.”

“Accurate data analysis through technological investments minimizes errors in analyses. We also invest in technologies and digital infrastructure to establish reliable partnerships with commercial businesses. Starting from 2024, we are focusing on renewable energy. We plan to cover all vehicles in our company to electric. Reducing carbon footprints resulting from business travel is also a top priority on our list.” 

“60% of our workforce consists of women”

Reges Electric Board Member and Finance Manager Dr Cansu Ünal Önören, who drew attention to the approach of increasing women’s employment for a sustainable world as part of the agenda of the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP 28), shared her thoughts as follows, “Following the climate summit held in Paris in 2015, significant and radical changes took place in the energy sector. One of the important issues emphasized at the summit was women’s employment. Currently, 60% of our team consists of women. We are continuing our efforts to increase this ratio in the coming years.

Contact: Tülay Genç | [email protected] | +31 30 799 6022

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