PR packages include press release writing, distribution via segmented media lists and news agencies, media monitoring and reporting processes.
Ongoing global economic fluctuations have pushed the business world to seek solutions. Data announced by Gartner indicated that one in four organisations will adopt a digital transformation model by 2026. 1Ci, a software developer that provides commercial digitalisation solutions to more than 1 million companies globally, announced that it will bring competitiveness to Turkish companies by launching the Turkish version of its flexible and scalable ERP solution.
TURKEY - The ongoing economic and political developments globally mobilize the business world. Companies that diversify their investment areas to establish a more solid and reliable structure invest in technology and digital transformation to accelerate business processes, manage their resources correctly and increase traceability. 1Ci, a software developer that provides commercial digitalization solutions to more than 1 million companies worldwide, has launched the Turkish version of the powerful production automation tool 1C: ERP. Thanks to its all-in-one solution that includes budgeting and planning modules, the company will enable Turkish companies to grow, survive in an intensely competitive environment, and overcome digital age challenges.
Gartner’ın açıkladığı istatistikler, kuruluşların %75’inin 2026’ya kadar bulutu temel alan bir dijital dönüşüm modelini benimseyeceğine işaret ediyor. Ticari dijitalleşmede ERP’nin (Kurumsal Kaynak Planlama) önemli bir çözüm olarak öne çıktığını söyleyen 1Ci Türkiye Yöneticisi Mert Onay, Türkiye pazarına sundukları ERP çözümlerine dair, “Farklı sektörlerde faaliyet gösteren Türk şirketlerin, operasyonel gücünü ve kuruma özel ihtiyaçlarını karşılamak için tasarladığımız 1C:ERP Türkçe, iş süreci yönetimini merkezileştiriyor. Böylece sürdürülebilir rekabet gücü kazandırarak büyük resme odaklanmalarına olanak tanıyor” dedi.
Statistics released by Gartner indicate that 75% of organisations will adopt a cloud-based digital transformation model by 2026. Stating that ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) stands out as an important solution in commercial digitalisation, 1Ci Turkey Manager Mert Onay said about the ERP solutions they offer to the Turkish market: “1C: ERP, which we designed to meet the operational power and corporate-specific needs of Turkish companies operating in different sectors. Turkish centralises business process management. This allows them to focus on the big picture by gaining sustainable competitiveness.”
1Ci Turkey Manager Mert Onay said, “The main benefit of 1C: ERP Turkish is its potential to strengthen the user business. We trigger growth and competitiveness by integrating all workflows into a single ERP system. We apply unified standards to minimise human-factor errors to help companies meet modern business challenges. We offer control tools for the transparency of business processes. We also enable data-based decisions to be made with intuitive control panels. We simplify operations without changing core business processes. “All of these make our version a solution,” he said, adding: “With our ERP system, we automate the entire process from product entry to delivery for companies, making it easier to monitor and manage while adding added value. For example, the production volume of a business using the 1Ci: ERP solution increases by 39%, while customer order tracking processes are accelerated by 85%. “Employee productivity increases by 35%.”
Mert underlined that they support sales, operations, production and customer relations processes.
Onay said, “We can quickly apply our ERP solution to business processes. We enable access via mobile devices with cloud or in-house ERP deployment. As 1Ci, which mediates companies from different sectors worldwide to increase their business and income and meets their needs effectively, we will enable Turkish companies to grow faster, lead the market and overcome the challenges of digitalisation with our 1C: ERP Turkish version. "We will pave the way for them to shape their future," he said.
Contact: Tülay Genç | [email protected] | +31 30 799 6022