PR packages include press release writing, distribution via segmented media lists and news agencies, media monitoring and reporting processes.
The world's largest NGOs of the 103-year-old JC, chose the new government in Turkey
1987 International Association of Young Leaders and Entrepreneurs operating in our country since opted members of the board will be served in Turkey in 2019.
*** This release is originally published in Turkish.
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ISTANBUL (TR) - The formation of the International Young Leaders and Entrepreneurs Association (Junior Chamber International - JCI) from the world's largest non-governmental organizations (NGOs) with more than 5 thousand branches in 128 countries, more than 200 thousand active members and 2 million graduates. JCI Turkey last week and hosted by the Bursa Metropolitan Municipality of Nilufer Ordinary General Assembly of the Board of Directors will determine the mission in 2019. First time in Turkey "open management style," the implementation of the general assembly, the candidate designated from among members who apply Zodiac Erol, the board delegates vote with JCI Turkey was elected to the Presidency in 2019.
Reach corporate social responsibility more young (CSR) said they would focus on projects JCI Turkey Erol President Bush in 2019, "Mr. President recently Recep Tayyip Erdogan, the United Nations (UN), in his speech, which will come within the UN said that the need for an organization of our young people. We have 22 branches throughout Turkey with our Young Leaders and Entrepreneurs (JCI) as the Association; In addition to raising active citizens, we want to contribute to the growth of our country by offering opportunities for the development of young people. This year, our goal is to touch more young people and to ensure that Turkish brands are represented in the United Nations through CSR projects Bu. JCI in the Zodiac Erol President of Turkey 2019 Management Funda Siller on the Board, Selahattin Nearby, Ali Happy Corner, Irem Güloğul, the Cihan Fine, Altug Türkdal of Melodies Nida Burcin and Ranks Beyza Birand Ünverdi.
Hasan Aslanoba: "The value of ideas is $ 1, which is important"
2015 JCI World President Ismail Treasurer, JCI Turkey in 2018 President of the General Assembly with the participation of Nihal Zoroğlu and management, Turkey's Hasan Aslanoba of the major investors, Ertugrul Belen and Boğaziçi Jazz Choir's founder Masis took place in Aram speakers. Hasan Aslanoba started his speech by explaining the criteria to be invested in, the way in which successful enterprises should follow, and their predictions about the future of the world through artificial intelligence and blockchain technologies.
In 2017 the General Assembly also JCI Turkey President Özgür Noyan and his team had acquitted by the presentation of their activities in 2017. The 2018 JCI Turkey shared with delegates the management of an 8-month activity report.,
About JCI
Young Leaders and Entrepreneurs Association; In 1915, in order to contribute to the positive development of the society, by providing opportunities for the growth of young people, with the vision of becoming a leading global network for active citizens. Founded in the city of St. Louis Junior Chamber International (JCI) is an organization of Turkey. JCI operating in Turkey since 1987, more than 5 thousand as of 2017 branches in 128 countries and approaching the number of members to 200 thousand, one of the world's largest non-governmental organizations.
Contact: Tülay Genç | [email protected] | +31 30 799 6022